News: August 2008


No extra tours set for this month, but just hang on for a few weeks and you’ll find a walk every Sunday in September. Meanwhile, Vince Emery is getting on with the completely revised and updated version of Don’s Dashiell Hammett Tour book, at this very moment putting together the Index. This edition is set to have almost twice as many photos as any previous version, with each and every sentence checked and triple-checked. Get ready — it ought to be swell. But if you’ve got to have some authentic noir this August or bust, our pal Steve Seid over at the Pacific Film Archive has a series devoted to the cinema of David Goodis running through the month. Fresh off his trip to Goodis’ native burg of Philly for NoirCon in April, Don couldn’t resist catching a couple of programs — he even recognized some of the location shots in The Burglar after gumshoeing all over Philadelphia.

Oh, yeah, The Burglar was introduced by Noir City maven Eddie Muller, who has just put his own short film The Grand Inquisitor online for all to see — check it out here.

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