Frisco Beat: Portable Storage Three

Bill Breiding seems to have slipped into a fanac groove, just Pubbing His Ish under the title Portable Storage Three.

Five bucks if you don’t get it for the usual — actually a good deal these days, because he’s piled up over 170 pages of material.

Bill even has a Theme: San Francisco. Packed with memoirs from people who used to live in The City, people hanging on by a thread, people who only passed through. . . . Chunks of description on movie theatres and bookstores that no longer exist, how various neighborhoods have changed and are changing again.

A section on Chinatown movie houses reminded me I already did that topic, in the essay “The Shadow of the Dragon,” now in the eBook The Dark Barbarian That Towers Over All. Main subject: Robert E. Howard and Bruce Lee, but how could I not go into my researches in The Great Star, The Pagoda. . . .

If you like San Francisco as a subject, honest, it’s pretty interesting stuff. Or you can just skim for the good bits, like if you wanted to go to a pool party at Robert Silverberg’s house you had to go in naked.

If you recall, I did a tidbit for Portable Storage Two, and return this round with the beginning of a review of Donald Sidney-Fryer’s autobiography Hobgoblin Apollo. I’m thinking I’ll do the review as a triptych, two smaller panels on either side of the larger review block.

If you’re standing in front of the triptych, this piece is the panel to your left, and of course covers the part of his life when DSF lived in San Francisco.

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