Hammett: A Throne Fit for the Fat Man

Evan Lewis, a.k.a. Dave Lewis, tosses up a post on his blog which dovetails nicely into the fact that today is the anniversary of The Maltese Falcon — the book — back in 1930, with the Knopf firm doing the honors.

He’s covering auction sales of the big chair in Sam Spade’s apartment in the Bogie Falcon, the one Sydney Greenstreet spends a lot of time plunked down in. The color of the chair even kind of matches the Valentine theme. Surf over to check it out.

I can report to Evan/Dave that I am not the current secret owner of the item. If I had any memorabilia from the flick I suppose I’d want the lead statue of the Black Bird — but then having something like that around could get you killed. Worth millions.

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