Rediscovered: Another Derleth Review Copy

Inspired by looking over the Paul Dobish list of Arkham House review slips yesterday, Arkham and August Derleth savant John D. Haefele sent in an image of a related item for your instruction and amusement.

Check out the way the Ben Abramson company dealt out the info in a review copy of Derleth’s 1945 H. P. L.: A Memoir.

Not a review slip but a rubber stamp, with the pub date and price left blank to be filled in by hand.

No, not Arkham, but given the authorship of Derleth and the subject matter, pretty damn close.

I’d keep it with my Arkham stash.

“I imagine,” Haefele says, “that the Abramson edition of Lovecraft’s Supernatural Horror in Literature was done in similar fashion.”

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