Rediscovered: The Morgman Blogs Again!


My Howardian pal of many years, Morgan “The Morgman” Holmes has picked up a new blogging gig — he’s holding down the new-post-every-Sunday position for Castalia House. Covering sf and fantasy, the same material — or around the edges of the same material — found in The Dark Barbarian That Towers Over All.

If Morgan keeps truckin’, maybe he’ll have enough wordage for his own “Robert E. Howard LitCrit MegaPack” sooner than later.

His second post today does a quick look at “posthumous collaborations” — with observations on Karl Edward Wagner, Richard L. Tierney and others I considered in the first LitCrit MegaPack. His premiere post for his new home turf looked over the era when Sword-and-Sorcery, a prolific “new” genre for several years after Howard exploded on the scene in the 1960s, faded into extinction on the paperback racks.

I think the last time Morgan did any regular blogging happened a few years ago for the Robert E. Howard United Press Association website.

I just punched it up. No search engine. No roster of posts by specific writers. But if you’re willing to dig around, he did quite a run of blogging for that site, including a 16 part series on “The de Camp Controversy” — I located part 16 for a link, from there you’ll have to work your way back on your own. Or suggest to the REHupa crew that they might want to get the site up to modern standards so you can track stuff down more easily.


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