Tour: Sunday June 11

In the pic above, The Dashiell Hammett Tour of that moment stands on the northwest corner of O’Farrell and Larkin, taking in the perfect 1920s blocks rolling down O’Farrell to the east (until you get to The Hamilton, a large white apartment house of post-Hammett vintage — and beyond, the new Hilton Towers). Behind the group on the left, fronted by the sign for The Great America Music Hall, is the façade of Blanco’s, where the Op eats a meal in the last Op novel, The Dain Curse.

Anyone who wants to show up and join in this month has one shot at it on Sunday June 11. Bring $20 per head. Shoes made for walking. Noon start. Allow four hours to negotiate the Hammettian mean streets.

Don’t think I’m completely goofing off as summer rolls in — groups by appointment keep hiking up and down the hills.

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