Frisco Beat: John Law, a.k.a. The Signman

In a couple of weeks a three-month-long exhibit opens up covering some of John Law’s activities over the past four decades. Signman: John Law in the Pro Arts Gallery in Oakland, premiering June 7.

You’ve got your art signage as above. You’ve got swashbuckling pranks pulled off by the Billboard Liberation Front. 

If interested, surf over off the link and check it out.

I’ve known John since 1977 and the shadowy beginnings of The San Francisco Suicide Club, and as two of the last surviving members maintaining a toehold in the culture, we’re going to do a talk or panel on June 27, 7-9pm.

I imagine we’ll talk Suicide Club stuff, but who knows? Other panels are set with other people focusing on other things, but I’m glad I was around for the origin story.

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