Hammett: Jesse Sublett on Big Book of the Op

Brian Wallace just sent along a link to a new review of The Big Book of the Continental Op from The Austin Chronicle — worth checking out since it comes from Jesse Sublett, a guy who served in Posse McMillan in days past (with the scattered members now lone outposts, just waiting for Dennis McMillan to show up in town and get the party started all over again).

You’ll find that Jesse Sublett was on hand for one of the cooler moments of the Posse’s Ride  — the Bouchercon in Austin back in 2002 where no less than eleven contributors to Dennis’ huge noir anthology Measures of Poison were on hand to sign the book for its premiere. Michael Connelly and Pelecanos with scratchy John Hancocks. Me and Sublett legible. The other guys, somewhere in between.

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