Hammett: #MeToo

Evan Lewis keeps poking around in the newsprint of yesteryear, digging up a little of this and more of that on Hammett — a writer who became enough of a celebrity in Hollywood to grab continual coverage, once he made his name.

Evan’s post yesterday is worth checking out. Couldn’t be more timely, with Cosby locked up and Weinstein also headed for the slammer.

Yes, I refer to the notorious lawsuit where actress Elise De Viane accused Hammett of beating her up. Kind of in the same ballpark. Surf over to Evan’s blog and read some of the coverage, if interested.

Glancing over the articles — the incident isn’t news, it’s in all the biographies — I found this especially pointed and yet droll comment from the July 7 1932 Manhattan Kansas Republic: “Probably he was only studying her reaction and gathering material for a modern novel.”

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