Noir: More Murderous Monday

On Saturday July 23 I pulled on the worn gumshoes and led a group by appointment up and down the mean streets, and a fun parade it turned out to be.

A guy named Alec Binnie arranged the deal. He just let me know that he’s poking along with crime writing and has had a short-short up on the Akashic Press feature Mondays Are Murder for a couple of years — and tells me his “flash fiction piece has evolved into a full novel while I’ve been perched on that website.”

The story itself is titled “Rhumba.” Heavily atmospheric. A.k.a. noir as hell.

Last time I mentioned Mondays Are Murder was back in 2016, when Hammett biographer Nathan Ward let me know he’d knocked out a second 750 worder for the site.

Since the stories are short, I wonder how long it’d take to binge all those Mondays. . . .

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